Short keys:
Ctrl+S (Command+S) — save banner changes
Ctrl+Z (Command+Z) — undo one change
Ctrl+Y (Command+Y) — redo one change
Escape — stop the timeline when it is playing
You must mouse over the service message in order to keep it from disappearing.
When the mouse leaves a service message, it will begin to disappear.
Click Enter to start the process when you want to change a banner dimension or enter a search term.
Actions on the banner canvas
— click on an object to select it
— Shift + click on an object for multi select
— use mouse down + move to multi select objects. Start out of the canvas, not on the object
— select object(s) and use mouse down + move to drag it(them)
— select object and click on a lock icon to lock the object
— double-click on an object to unlock it
— double-click on a text to edit it
— select object and drag controls to change the object dimensions
— when drag object press Ctrl to turn off objects snapping
— press Left, Right, Up, Down keys to drag selected objects with step 1 pixel
— press Shift+Left, Shift+Right, Shift+Up, Shift+Down keys to drag selected objects with step 5 pixels
— press Delete, Backspace to delete selected objects
Actions on the Timeline
— click on a left layer tail to open Show animation options (works for multi selected objects)
— click on a star icon at the middle layer to open Pulse animation options (works for multi selected objects)
— click on a right layer tail to open Hide animation options (works for multi selected objects)
— double-click on a middle layer part (text) to change layer name
— drag on a left and right a layer tail to change animation duration
— drag on a right side of a layer to change the whole layer animation duration
— drag and drop on a middle layer part to change layer position
— click on a layer eye to hide/show layer on the canvas
— drag and drop the timeline knob to change time and canvas objects view correspondingly
— click on the timeline time deal to change time and canvas objects view correspondingly
— double-click on the timeline time deal to create a frame for framed GIF
— double-click on a frame icon on the timeline time deal to delete frame
— press Escape key when the timeline is playing to stop it
— click on a layer to select it on the canvas
Make sure there is no focus on a text field when you use a global short key. Short keys do not work otherwise.