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How to round corners of an object

You might be wondering how to change the shape of your object if you've been using BannerBoo for a while. However, finding specific features on the editing platform isn't always straightforward.

Don't worry, though. We are here to help you.

This article will show you how to change the shape of a gradient in BannerBoo, and how to use it as a button.

1. Go to the Shapes tab and choose Gradients subcategory.

2. Click on a gradient you like. You can change its colors after.

3. Choose the gradient on the banner and change its size.

4. Click ‘Border’ icon on the object menu bar.

5. Drag the ‘Corner rounding’ slider in the dropdown  to change the corners.

6. Change border color and its thickness, if you wish.

Done. Enjoy your new customized button background.